Community Application

Keep your community a safe space with community applications

Community Applications allow you to review people who are interested in joining your community, ensuring you bring in members who align with your community’s vision and goals.

Create Application form for free
Email automation

Set up automated and customizable emails to send to applicants 

Contacts sync

Keep all of your contacts and community member data organized 

Mass actions

Save time by decisioning on multiple applicants at once

Form hosting

Easily embed your application form on the website of your choice

Onboard members aligned with your community’s vision

Custom application form

Collect relevant information from people who apply to join your community.

In-app notifications

Easily see from the homepage when there are applications pending review

Automated emails

Configure custom, automated emails sent to applicants accepted, rejected or waitlisted to join your community.

Sync applicants

Community applicants are automatically added to your Community Contacts for an all-in-one place to manage your contacts and members.

Easily review and manage who joins your community
Your community should be a safe space where people who are interested in a particular industry, topic, hobby, or company.