Friends Community

We are a friendly group of community builders, managers and executives looking to make authentic connections, push the community industry forward, and rebel against the status quo.

Rebels • Builders • Operators • Friends • Rebels • Builders • Operators • Friends •
Rebels • Builders • Operators • Friends• Rebels • Builders • Operators • Friends • Confidantes • Extraordinaire •

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Our values • Our values • Our values • Our values • Our values • Our values • Our values • Our values • Our values • Our values • Our values • Our values • Our values • Our values  • 

We operate in a circle of trust and respect. We recognize everyone in the room is human and has their own stories, opinions, and experience.

We believe in equality and work to amplify the voices of the lesser represented.

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We are rebels

We aren’t afraid to experiment, wade in uncharted waters, and rebel against the norm or what’s expected. We aren’t afraid to fail and learn.

We shake things up and question “the way it’s always been”.

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Celebrate community

We care deeply about the community industry and continuously work to push it forward.

We are community champions, bringing new people into the space, providing resources and education, and finding ways to innovate and prove the value of community.

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We are builders

We manage, grow, engage and nurture our communities. We are builders at heart and understand that community doesn't happen overnight.

We foster the mindset of learning together as we grow in our roles.

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I love the Talkbase Friends Community because everyone in there just gets it and wants to support each other in the community space. There's always an opportunity to contribute and get involved, or just enjoy content from fellow members!

Ruthie Berber
Global Community Builder & Brand Marketer
View our Community Hub

Through the Talkbase community, I've discovered the work and wisdom of uber-talented community operations and event professionals. It's become my go-to spot for information and questions about anything related to ongoing operations.

Chief Community Officer at