Talkbase Updates

Orbit Alternative for Community Analytics, Reporting and CRM

May 23, 2024

Co-Founder @Talkbase

As Orbit integrates into Postman, many companies utilizing its platform to track community metrics and analytics are seeking reliable alternatives. This transition presents a unique opportunity to explore platforms like Talkbase!

The Impending Closure of Orbit and Its Impact

Orbit's announcement to join forces with Postman marks a significant shift in how companies will manage community engagement and developer relations. With Orbit winding down its current operations by July 11, 2024, organizations need to find an alternative solution that not only matches but also enhances the functionality provided by Orbit.

Exploring Talkbase as an Orbit Alternative

As the news of Orbit’s acquisition spreads, many community and DevRel teams are looking . The way we've designed Talkbase is to seamlessly integrate into sales, marketing, customer service, and product team workflows. This article we explore how Talkbase stands as a compelling successor to Orbit, especially in areas critical to community management such as CRM, engagement metrics, and reporting.

Orbit has been instrumental in businesses building and maintaining software communities, offering tools to track user engagement and manage community relationships. Its integration with CRM systems and analytics tools allowed companies to measure the impact of their community interactions on overall business goals.

Introducing Talkbase

Talkbase complements and enhances Orbit's offerings but exceeds them in many ways. It provides robust CRM tools, advanced analytics, and customized engagement strategies. Talkbase’s user-friendly interface and comprehensive dashboard offer a seamless transition for former Orbit users.


Community CRM

Both platforms provide CRM integration, but Talkbase offers enhanced features such as on-demand contact enrichment, tracking of photos or notes on individual profiles, and exporting contacts directly to your business CRM.

Measuring Community Engagement

Talkbase offers different engagement dashboards built for individual community integrations. You have the option to fully filter by date, contact list of conversation channel to understand how your community engages. These insights help businesses tailor their community initiatives more precisely and foster meaningful interactions.

Reporting Community ROI

Talkbase excels with its custom ROI reports, which are crucial for successful cross-collaboration between community and sales, marketing, customer support, and product development teams. These reports help stakeholders understand community engagement initiatives' direct and indirect benefits, from increased sales to improved product feedback loops.

Transitioning from Orbit to Talkbase

For Orbit users transitioning to Talkbase, our technical team streamlines the process through integration and hands-on migration support. This minimizes disruption and ensures that historical data remains intact and actionable.

Explore Talkbase Further

Whether you’re a small startup or a large team, we're here to offer a scalable solution tailored to meet your needs. For those interested in exploring Talkbase, visit our analytics and CRM product page for more information or to schedule a chat with us!

Klara Losert
Co-Founder @Talkbase

May 23, 2024

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