What's New At Talkbase | Community Re-launch
June 2, 2022

We at Talkbase have been hard at work on the beta, which will be out very soon!
As a community-led company, we first wanted to work on establishing our community. As we all know, community is pivotal, not only because we are a community operations platform, but because it truly is the main place for us to connect, learn from one another, and, from a product perspective, allow us to hear from you and help you be the most successful with using Talkbase.
Looking back
We launched the Event Makers Community back in January 2022 with the intent of bringing together best-in-class event managers, planners, and operators. And while we had some amazing moments and formed some solid relationships in the Event Makers Community, we realized there are a few key pieces that need to be optimized.
Firstly, community operations is so much more than event management and planning. Though this is currently one of the main parts of the Talkbase platform, there is so much more functionality that we do to truly optimize community operations. We're more than just an event planning platform.
Secondly, a community needs moderation, nurturing, and engagement, and we recognize that we've been lacking in this area. We spread ourselves too thin between working on the product, talking to our current and potential investors, and getting ready for the beta. We know it's been quiet in the community so far, and we're so grateful for those of you who have shared posts, upcoming events, and have engaged in there so far.
We're excited to re-launch our community!
With these two things in mind, we're excited to begin the official countdown to a community refresh and re-launch! More details will come over the next few weeks, so be sure to keep an eye out here, in the community, as well as in the various social channels. We're incredibly excited and cannot wait to tell you more. 🙂
Welcoming new team member
Our first announcement in our countdown to the community re-launch is that we recently welcomed a new team member to the Talkbase core team.
Tiffany Oda is well-known in the community industry as a leader in community operations, and has recently joined as a strategic community consultant. Already an advisor, Tiffany's been very involved in providing input on Talkbase's features and functions, and is now also going to be leading the charge on our community initiatives as well. We're incredibly excited to have Tiffany on the team, and you can expect to see more posts and updates from her over the next few weeks.
We can't wait to share the next phase of our community and our product with you!
June 2, 2022
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