There are several benefits to having a dedicated Community Relationship Manager, separate from your company’s Customer Relationship Manager. In this article, we cover three reasons why, like owning your own data, being able to customize based off of your needs as a community manager, and being enabled to break down cross-functional silos.

Tiffany Oda
Jan 24, 2024

Friends Talk Tools is a 12-event monthly series where a fellow community builder will show-and-tell a tool. It will include a general introduction of what the tool is, as well as a few real-life examples of how to use it with your teams, aiming to have a few applicable use cases you can take with you.

Erika Chang
Jan 15, 2024

Event management can be both thrilling and demanding, requiring meticulous planning and seamless coordination. And as community managers, we often inadvertently fall into part-time event planners. In this article, we'll delve into three common challenges of event management and how Talkbase, a powerful event management tool, can make these challenges easier to tackle.

Tiffany Oda
Jul 17, 2023

Community management requires being able to keep track of and understand your community members. However, traditional CRMs are typically used for sales or general contact management and can lack certain features specific for community building. Learn about three Community CRM features in the Talkbase CRM that can help you improve visibility and management of your community members.

Tiffany Oda
Jun 26, 2023

Community budget is always a sensitive subject. This post will help you to get buy-in and approval to purchase new tools...

Tiffany Oda
Jan 11, 2023

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Gabrielle L.
I just wanted to give the Building Communities for Startups podcast a shoutout. I'm 3 episodes in and finding it super useful! Especially liking the post-podcast worksheets. I also find making them not longer than 30 mins SO much easier to digest. I'm in the thick of building a new community for a startup & finding it to be an awesome resource/source of inspo... 🙌 🎧 💜
Klara L.
Hi everyone @here! 👋 Exciting announcement - I’d like to introduce our first ever cohort of the Talkbase Ambassadors
This is a four month program where people who are looking to get into community management... 🤗 💞 👏 👋
Tess B.
Hey everyone!! I'm looking to revamp my community KPIs and OKRs and I'd love to hear your thoughts on how you define engagement & what metrics you use to measure engagement growth in your communities... 🎯
Talia B.
Hello everyone! Happy Monday.
📖 I have the pleasure of teaming up with Talkbase to write an e-book on
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