Content and community strategies cannot exist in isolation. In fact, they only benefit from feeding off each other. Around seven years ago, I pivoted my career from journalism to tech and worked as a Content Marketer, Event Coordinator, and Community Manager for several B2B SaaS companies focused on collaborative tools. In all of these roles, I applied my experience as a writer and editor to craft programs that maintained a consistent tone and point of view, treating them as editorial strategy.Showcasing your community in your communications can elevate any piece of content, giving it authenticity that many brand publications lack due to being too SEO-focused or too salesy. By considering your community strategy through an editorial lens, you can provide structure and confidence that many community programs lack.Here is how you can connect your Content and Community Marketing into a singular strategy.

Anna Savina
Sep 12, 2023

In our final installment of why community building requires social media, we will discuss how to scale your community efforts through social media, measuring engagement for success, and strategies to authentically partner with your marketing team as a community builder.

Tristan Lombard
Mar 23, 2023

In our latest installment about why community building requires social media, we will uncover how to build your brand to bring value to your community...

Tristan Lombard
Feb 21, 2023

The past few months have been challenging for many community builders. From tech org restructuring to companies that saw community as a growth hack tool...

Tristan Lombard
Jan 25, 2023

Ah, yes - it’s a struggle as old as time… where do I build the ultimate content calendar? 🤔

Kristen Meren
Nov 17, 2022

Scott Baldwin is a Community Lead & Product Evangelist at Productboard. In addition to organizing...

Klara Losert
Feb 24, 2022

Azra Daniels is a manager in charge of community marketing and events at Figma.

Klara Losert
Feb 24, 2022

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Gabrielle L.
I just wanted to give the Building Communities for Startups podcast a shoutout. I'm 3 episodes in and finding it super useful! Especially liking the post-podcast worksheets. I also find making them not longer than 30 mins SO much easier to digest. I'm in the thick of building a new community for a startup & finding it to be an awesome resource/source of inspo... 🙌 🎧 💜
Klara L.
Hi everyone @here! 👋 Exciting announcement - I’d like to introduce our first ever cohort of the Talkbase Ambassadors
This is a four month program where people who are looking to get into community management... 🤗 💞 👏 👋
Tess B.
Hey everyone!! I'm looking to revamp my community KPIs and OKRs and I'd love to hear your thoughts on how you define engagement & what metrics you use to measure engagement growth in your communities... 🎯
Talia B.
Hello everyone! Happy Monday.
📖 I have the pleasure of teaming up with Talkbase to write an e-book on
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